Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 In Numbers

Certainly our ministry is much more than numbers. It is a celebration of every soul that is turned away from sin and towards the bright light of our Creator and Savior. So, as you glance through this list, think and pray with us for each person that these numbers represent. To God be the glory!

* Schools visited: 163
* Performances in schools: 358
* Students reached: 72,062
* Adults who accepted the invitation: 2,600
* Children who accepted the invitation: 4,820
* Rededications: 165
*Haircuts: 1,580
* Health services: 2,016
* Cotton candy: 13,578
* Volunteers: 141
* Evangelism on call:
- Adults counselled: 1,790
- Children: 2,294
- Sunday children: 2,890
* Locations visited: 72
* Impact events: 130
* People benefited during the year of 2009: 110,647

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Projeto Vida wishes you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. Please receive a HUG from all our team.
Pastor Paulo Pereira de Novaes
Projeto Vida

Friday, December 18, 2009

Outreach report

Thank you so much for your prayers for our outreach event last Saturday. It was a rainy morning but that did not keep us from working. In the afternoon our students at PROJOVEM presented some skits and dance. It was so exciting to see our students singing, dancing and playing instruments. This is the fruit of the hard work of our school.
We had a lot of people participate in the event by having haircuts and health assistance. We were supported by the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba. There was also counselling and judicial orientation operated by volunteers.
Thank you so much for your prayers for this event. (Enjoy pictures of this event below)

In February we will host a Mission School from the 8th to 12th and a Commissioning Service on the 13th at the Baptist Church of Cajuru. Please, keep this training school in your prayers.

May God bless you enormously!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Outreach in Curitiba

Tomorrow, December 12, we will be having an Outreach event with all 3 buses in one of the poorest areas of Curitiba. We really would appreciate your prayers as we believe over 2 thousand people will stop by this event.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hey, guys! Bobby is going to the USA in a couple of weeks and offered to bring a few Projeto Vida t-shirts if anybody wants to buy them. Place your order with Sandy. :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Prayer Request and Praise

Praise to the Lord!! Alpha has arrived from their trip full of wonderful things to share! We are in the process of putting together our monthly report to share all of these news with all of you.
Agape will be working locally (Curitiba) tomorrow and Logos is working in the state of Santa Catarina. We ask for prayers for Carol as she seems to have a virus that is making her sick. She is currently in Santa Catarina with the team.

Check back for the monthly report shortly.

USA trip slideshow