Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We praise the Lord for another year reaching the unreached and for the results achieved. So many lives have been transformed and our teams have been built up by the action of the Holy Spirit. We would like to briefly share some of the results that have filled our hearts with joy:
* Our traveling teams have reached 86,114 students during school rallies;
* 2,256 adults have accepted the invitation offered during the evangelistic impact events at public squares and streets and several baptisms took place;
* We purchased one more bus and started our 4th team - Doulos has started working in and around Curitiba.
* We hosted two Mission Training events with the participation of volunteers from all over Brazil;
* We celebrated the first anniversary of the group Amor Exigente (Demanding Love) which supports families;
* Our social projects held at the headquarters have greatly increased, reaching approximately 260 children and adults;
* Our participation at Natal Iluminado (Enlighten Christmas) - Barigui. Approximately 1,500 people attended.
* Our End of the Year Party with the participation of the children and teenagers reached by our headquarters and their families;
We thank everyone who has supported our ministry directly or indirectly, wishing all a very blessed new year!